Re: Date Dif Formula
Smartsheet does not have a DATEDIF function at all. We have to write our own formula to mimic. Something along these lines should work: =(YEAR([End Date]@row) - YEAR([Start Date]@row) - IF(MONTH([End…1 · -
Re: Creating a PO # using todays date
You would insert a Date Created type column and then use ="PO" + RIGHT("0" + MONTH([Created Date]@row), 2) + "" + YEAR([Created Date]@row)1 · -
Re: Formula Help!
Try this: =COUNTIFS({Response}, OR(@cell = "yes", @cell = "n/a"), {Assigned To}, @cell = "John Doe")1 · -
That's my fault. Sorry about that. The second {Plan of Care Admission ID} should actually be {Plan of Care ID}.1 · -
Would you benefit from getting my help in person?
If it would be helpful to get some time with me and my team, we have a great opportunity coming up. My 10xViz team will be hosting Efficiency Live: The Ultimate PM Toolkit Workshop in Loveland, Color…4 ·